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DIV is short for "division" because it divides elements.
span is inline, div a block.span is permitted in a div, but not div in a span.
The main difference is that span element is in-line and usually used for a small chunk of in-line HTML whereas a div (division) element is block-line (which is basically equivalent to having a line-break before and after it) and used to group larger chunks of code.
is a block level element -- it's going to 100% width, and it will line break - and is best used for structure (stands for 'division' -- semantic markup here!)
is inline, it can go next to other elements and is best used for text editing... adding rules to special text in a paragraph, hiding text (like navigation), etc.
The div tag has forced a line break.
Reference to div tag properties::::
IFrame and Div are HTML tags. They are only for the layout purposes. Using IFrame, you can view another html file in your main html.
Div is used to display contents in a html page. You can put some text,image, and/or combination to display in a div.
An iframe is like having a hole on your page, and in that hole is another web page. If that page is clicked ONLY that page will refresh so that the rest of the site appears to stay in the same place. It's not valid HTML and is therefore not encouraged because browsers can interpret iframes however they want. An iframe is only a container and the page that goes inside it still needs to be written as usual.
To get small idea to get what is div tag
#framearea {
width: 550px;
height: 150px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.framebody {
overflow: auto;
width: 550px;
height: 150px;
Using a DIV as variable to write into IFRAME
is inline, it can go next to other elements and is best used for text editing... adding rules to special text in a paragraph, hiding text (like navigation), etc.
The div tag has forced a line break.
The div tag will force a line break.
The div tag has forced a line break.The span tag does not force a line break. There is no line break.
Reference to div tag properties::::
IFrame and Div are HTML tags. They are only for the layout purposes. Using IFrame, you can view another html file in your main html.
Div is used to display contents in a html page. You can put some text,image, and/or combination to display in a div.
An iframe is like having a hole on your page, and in that hole is another web page. If that page is clicked ONLY that page will refresh so that the rest of the site appears to stay in the same place. It's not valid HTML and is therefore not encouraged because browsers can interpret iframes however they want. An iframe is only a container and the page that goes inside it still needs to be written as usual.
To get small idea to get what is div tag
#framearea {
width: 550px;
height: 150px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.framebody {
overflow: auto;
width: 550px;
height: 150px;
...content here...
Using a DIV as variable to write into IFRAME
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