Site Meter Asp.Net-Csharp,Asp,Ado.Net,Ado,Micosoft,Visualstudio,Visual webgui: December 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

Overview and example for Datatable in

Overview and example for Datatable in

MEthod 1:

DataTable cTable = new DataTable();
DataRow d3;

cTable.Columns.Add("A", typeof(string));
cTable.Columns.Add("B", typeof(string));
cTable.Columns.Add("C", typeof(string));

d3 = cTable.NewRow();
d3[0] = "A:";
d3[1] = B;
d3[2] = "C";


Method 2:

DataTable dtProducts = new DataTable();
DataColumn productColumn = new DataColumn();

productColumn.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Int32");
productColumn.ColumnName = "id";
productColumn.Unique = true;

DataTable dtProducts = createProductDT();

DataRow aProduct = dtProducts.NewRow();

aProduct["id"] = 11;
aProduct["thumb"] = "images/widget0.jpg";
aProduct["name"] = "Red Widget";
aProduct["price"] = 19.99;

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Types,Modes,Differences of session in

Overview of session modes and types in

Normally http protocol is stateless to maintain state following namespace is used.


Modes And's Provider:

Session State Mode State Provider

InProc In-Memory Object
StateServer Aspnet_state.exe
SQLServer DataBase
Custom CustomProvider

Session Event's:

There are two types of session events available in

* Session_Start
* Session_End


1.inproc Mode (ie inprocess)--->Its availble inside the webserver itself not ouside the application.
2.StateserverMode(ie out process) -->Its availble outside the webserver,not inside the application.
3.sqlserver Mode -->To store session datas in sqlserver.AND DATAS CAN BE SHARED BETWEEN OTHE APPLICATIONS.
4.Custom Mode --> To create a manual session id's.

1.inproc Mode

Advantages :

* It store Session data in memory object of current application domain. So accessing data is very fast and data is

easily available.
*Datas not alive when application restarted.
* There is not requirements of serialization to store data in InProc Session Mode.
* Implementation is very easy, just similar to using View State.


If the worker Process or application domain recycles all session data will be lost.


This session state is totally managed by aspnet_state.exe.

This approaches has several disadvantages due to the overhead of serialization and de-serialization.

Datas will be alive it the aspnet services restarted also.

3.sqlserver Mode

The most easiest way to configure SQL Server, is using aspnet_regsql command.

4.Custom Mode --> To create a manual session id's.